Nos invitées

Julia Caron

Julia Caron, journaliste et animatrice de radio

Julia Caron is an award-winning journalist who is constantly seeking out and sharing captivating stories across the furthest reaches of the province. Early on in her career with CBC, Julia firmly established herself as a natural storyteller and tenacious sleuth. She is perhaps best known for her obsession with history, and what we can learn about the present from our past. That is reflected in everything from her extensive knowledge of early photography and film all the way down to her vintage wardrobe. A voracious reader and art lover, you’re likely to cross paths with Julia in libraries, art galleries and museums across Quebec. She frequently participates in local literary events and festivals in both official languages, and proudly calls herself a franglophone (yes, it’s a thing).



Rachel McCrum

Rachel McCrum, poète et artiste de la parole

Rachel McCrum is originally from Northern Ireland and lived in Edinburgh, Scotland between 2010 and 2016. She was the first BBC Scotland Poet-in-Residence, Broad of cult spoken word cabaret Rally & Broad, and recipient of a Robert Louis Stevenson Fellowship. Her first solo show ‘Do Not Alight Here Again’ was performed at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in 2015. She has performed and taught poetry and performance in Ireland, Scotland, the UK, Greece, South Africa, Haiti, and Canada. She is now delighted to call Montreal home, where she is the curator of the Atwater Poetry Project, co-director of the Mile End Poets’ Festival (with Ian Ferrier), and works full time as a freelance poet, performer, event curator, and workshop facilitator. Her first collection The First Blast to Awaken Women Degenerate (Stewed Rhubarb Press, 2018) is published in a bilingual edition with Mémoired’encrier in 2020, as Le premier coup de clairon pour réveiller les femmes immorales.

© photo : Ryan McGoverne